Privacy Notice ⋆ My Digital
My Digital is a Digital Innovation & Consulting Firm founded by Christian Baudis
Christian Baudis, My Digital, Digital Futurist, Digital Transformation, Digitization, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Bionics, Brain Connectivity, Internet of Things, IoT, AI, Industry 4.0
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Christian Baudis
81929 München

Tel.:    +498943088047



Privacy Officer Contact Details

The Privacy Officer for the data controller is:

DDI – Deutsches Datenschutz Institut GmbH

You can contact our Privacy Officer by sending a letter to the attention of “Privacy Officer” at the address above or by sending an e-mail to:

Purposes and Legal Grounds for Processing Data – When Visiting Our Web Site in General

Should you use our Web site purely for informational purposes, not register yourself, or convey information to us in some other way (e.g. by e-mail), we will only collect the data that your browser transfers to our server (“server log files”). This data is processed in accordance with GDPR art. 6(1)(f) on the basis of our legitimate interest in improving the stability and functionality of our Web site. This data is not used in any other way and in no way shared with third parties. However, we do reserve the right to analyze log files at a later date if there are reasons to suspect unlawful usage.

Purposes and Legal Grounds for Processing Data – Contact Form

When you contact us (e.g. using our contact form or by e-mail), we collect personal data. This data is stored and used exclusively for the purposes of answering your inquiry and for the associated technological administration. Our legitimate interest in responding to your inquiry forms the legal grounds for processing this data, in accordance with GDPR art. 6(1)(f). If you contact us for the purpose of entering into a contract, there are additional legal grounds for processing provided in GDPR art. 6(1)(b). Your data will be erased once your inquiry has been conclusively resolved. This is the case if it can be assumed that the relevant matter has been completely resolved and if there are no statutory retention periods barring us from erasing the data.

Purposes and Legal Grounds for Processing Data – Comment Function

When using the comment function on this Web site, details about the time you wrote the comment and the user name you have selected will be stored and published on the Web site alongside the comment. Furthermore, your IP address will also be recorded and stored. We store your IP address for security reasons and in case a comment that is left violates third-party rights or leads to illicit content being posted. The legal grounds for storing your data are provided in GDPR art. 6(1)(b) and (f). We reserve the right to delete comments if third parties contend that they are unlawful or harmful.

Purposes and Legal Grounds for Processing Data – Newsletter Function

Upon registering for our e-mail newsletter, we will regularly send you information about our company and our offers. The only information that is required for us to send the newsletter is your e-mail address. You may provide other data voluntarily so that we can address you by name. We use the double opt-in method to send out our newsletter. This means that we will only send you an e-mail newsletter if you have explicitly confirmed that you give your consent to us sending newsletters. We will then send you a confirmation e-mail asking you to confirm your desire to receive future newsletters by clicking on a corresponding a link.

By clicking on the confirmation link, you grant us permission to use your personal data in accordance with GDPR art. 6(1)(a). When you register for our newsletter, we save the IP address assigned by your Internet service provider (ISP) along with the date and time of registration so that we can trace any misuse of your e-mail address at a later point in time. The data that we collect when you register for the newsletter is used exclusively for promotional purposes in the form of our newsletter. You can unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time by using the link provided for this in every newsletter. When you unsubscribe, your e-mail address will be immediately deleted from our newsletter mailing list, provided that you have not given your explicit consent to us continuing to use your data or that we do not reserve the right to use the data beyond the given scope in a manner legally allowed and about which we inform you in this notice.

Recipients or Categories of Recipients

Your data is not forwarded anywhere else.

Transfer to Non-EU/EEA Country

Your data is not transferred to non-EU/EEA countries.

Deletion Dates

The controller processes and stores the data subject’s personal data only for the period of time required to achieve the purpose for which it is stored or only if the controller is required to store data on account of legislation or regulations that are passed by European Union legislators and regulators, or other legislators, and the controller is subject to this legislation or these regulations.

Should there no longer be any reason to store the data or if a retention period prescribed by a European Union directive or regulation or by other relevant law expires, the personal data will be restricted from processing or deleted as a matter of routine and in accordance with statutory regulations.

Notice of Right to Object When Consent Is Selected as Legal Grounds

You have the right at any time to withdraw any consent given to the processing of your data. If you withdraw your consent, we will immediately delete the data concerned, provided there are no other legal grounds to support further processing. If you withdraw your consent, it will not affect the legality of the processing operations conducted until the time of the withdrawal.

Right to Complain to Data Protection Supervisory Authority

If you believe that the processing of your personal data violates the GDPR, GDPR art. 77 provides you the option of filing a complaint with the Privacy Officer named above or with a supervisory authority for data protection. The supervisory authority with jurisdiction over us is:

Bayerischer Landesbeauftragter für den Datenschutz

Notice About Profiling and Scoring

Profiling and scoring does not take place.